
 FI@Kasetsart Food Talks 2021 #4

“Drying Technology for Small and Medium Enterprises in the Food Industry (Drying Technology for Food SMEs)”

🚩🚩 Meet FI@Kasetsart Food Talks #4 activity

by expanding food innovation city at Kasetsart University (FI@Kasetsart) organizes online lectures on the topic “Drying Technology for Small and Medium Enterprises in the Food Industry (Drying Technology for Food SMEs)”

Lecturer by Dr. Titaporn Tampanuwat, an expert from the Institute of Food Product Research and Development. to provide knowledge about the important factors of drying that affect product quality and the selection of drying technology for SMEs in the food industry

🎥 On September 27, 2021 time 13.30-14.30

through the channel < > facebook fan page: FoodInnopolis at Kasetsart University

📝 You can register at the link below. (free of charge)

For more information about our services, please contact

02-562-5555 ext. 646269 and 093-689-6589 

or E-mail:

#Fikasetsart #FIKU 

Poster for FI@Kasetsart Food Talks #4 by the Extension Food Innovation City at Kasetsart University

FI@Kasetsart Food Talks #4 activity by Extended Food Innovation City at Kasetsart University

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